POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : #undef and arrays : #undef and arrays Server Time
2 Nov 2024 15:27:09 EDT (-0400)
  #undef and arrays  
From: Rainer Mager
Date: 14 May 1999 00:50:59
Message: <373b9da3.0@news.povray.org>
Hi all,

    I've been trying to optimize my sponge fractal scene some more (see
p.b.i) and I think I've found a bug in POV. It seems that the #undef
function does not work on arrays. That is to day, it does take the array out
of the variable name-space (i.e., I can't use it anymore) but it doesn't
seem to free up the used memory.
    Why do I think this?
    Because my scene allocates a large array. It then does stuff and creates
a lot of objects. I think clear the array and create a lot more objects. The
memory usage for this scenario is exactly the same as if I do the same
without clearing (#undef) the array.
    I would think that when I #undef the array the objects created after it
would be able to use the freed up memory and reduce the peak memory usage.

    Thoughts? Ideas?


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